Childcare Diary of New Dad

23. 5th month of pregnancy, 5th examination

The previous story is here!

This is the 5th pregnancy checkup.

As usual, I headed to the maternity hospital with my wife.

At the entrance of the maternity hospital, I took off my partner, Nike sneakers, and I was changing into slippers…,

"Hey, you know, the partner can only come to the hospital TWICE with a 20- to 30-week pregnant woman."

My wife pointed to a bulletin board at the entrance.

"Oh!? Whaaaaat!?"

Without thinking I looked at the sign that she had pointed to…,

It read, "In order to prevent new coronavirus infection, family members and partners may accompany the patient no more than twice during the first 20 to 30 weeks of pregnancy. "

On the previous day, Friday, January 28, 2021, the number of people infected with the new coronavirus exceeded 80,000 for the first time, with 17,631 in Tokyo and 81,810 nationwide in Japan.

Well, in such a situation, it is inevitable to limit the number of people in the maternity hospital.

"Oh, I've been here in December and the beginning of this month, so I can't accompany you!?"

I was distraught like this,

my wife said to me, "Why don't you ask the receptionist?"

After regaining my composure, I checked with a receptionist and found that my last checkup, which showed an ultrasound scan, was at 22 weeks.

So the receptionist said it was OK because this was my second time to accompany my wife to the maternity hospital.

However, I was told, "After viewing the ultrasound scan, please wait outside the hospital promptly. hahaha

This is the first time in my life that I have been asked to go outside promptly, except for emergency drills. hahaha

Well, after 15 minutes of sitting in the waiting room, I was taken by the same male doctor as last time, three in a row like in Dragon Quest, into examination room 4.

From the play screen of the smartphone version of Dragon Quest III

I immediately saw my baby with the ultrasound scan.

As before, my baby is slightly larger, but I am relieved to hear that he is growing well and healthy.

And what a day!

The ultrasound scan showed my baby's expression!

It was only for a split second, but my baby's sleeping face was calm, cute, and like an angel!

I'm really, really looking forward to seeing him!

After I finished looking at ultrasound scan, I told my wife, "Well, I'm going to go to Komeda’s Coffee!", and I walked out of the hospital as soon as possible. hahaha

to be continued...

The next story is here!
My life blog, "It's My Life" is here!

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-Childcare Diary of New Dad
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