Childcare Diary of New Dad

19. New Dad's Daydream ~Enjoy baseball with kids~

The previous story is here!

Yeah, I'm really going to be a dad.

By baby is boy, I’m soooo happy.

I hope he like baseball.

I want to enjoy baseball with my son.

While thinking about these things, I sat on a chair in the waiting room of the maternity hospital with the backpack I had carried on my back after meeting with my baby for the first time through pictures of pregnancy ultrasound scans.

Well, I'm like this, I started playing softball when I was in the 4th grade of elementary school, and I've been on the baseball team all the way through university. haha

Click here for the story of my baseball boyhood!

By the way, I have one dream,

When my child reaches elementary school, I want to play baseball with the same team.

Of course, I don't know if my kids will like baseball. haha

If my child isn't interested in baseball, I'll join a neighborhood junior baseball team ALONE as a coach. hahaha

I'll practice batting, catch fungoes, and run around the ground with the kids of the baseball team.

I myself want to create a team that makes the children think, "Baseball is really fun!", and both I & kids can look forward to every Saturday and Sunday, while enjoying baseball!

My nickname will be "Genda man" haha

Also, as a pitcher and as a batter, I want to play with all my might against the 5th and 6th graders with respect.

The kids will say, "Genda man is no kidding!!"kind of thing. hahaha

Another thing is that, regardless of whether or not the kids continue to play baseball in the future, I want to help them acquire the ability to think and act towards their goals, so that someday they will say, "I'm glad I was on that baseball team."

And, lastly, I would like to teach kids the rules of baseball.

Yeah, whenever I talk about playing baseball with my child, my dreams expand. hahaha

to be continued...

The next story is here!
My life blog, "It's My Life" is here!

-Childcare Diary of New Dad
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