It's my Life

Episode1. Long time no see, how are you all?

Parenting blog is here!

Hey! Long time no see!

How are you all?

It's me,

Keisuke Genda.

Do you remember me?

Well, most of you have forgotten.

I was a teacher for about 10 years from 2007 to 2016.

I'm writing this article in 2022, it's been 6 to 15 years since I met you last.

In 6 to 15 years, many things would have happened to you.

It's the same with me.

There were a lot of things that I thought, "I wish I could say something like this at that time," or "I want to tell you something like this if I can meet you now."

That's why I decided to write an article like this.

How have you been recently? 

If your days are happy, I'm happy too.

Of course, some of you feel, "Everyday is really tough." or "I'm so tired."

As for me, I’m happy now and always positive.

I'm 35 years old now, but I hadn't all been happy and positive for 35 years.

It was completely opposite, I had been so negative from 12 to 32 years old.

Negative time of my life is too long? haha

After having my negative mind for 20 years, I noticed,

"It was nothing good for me to have negative mind in my life."

I thrown away my negative mind when I was about 32 years.

There are a lot of uncontrollable things make you feel bad, sad or irritated in our life.

Positive, I said doesn't mean I don't care these uncontrollable things.

Positive I mean is that I can make me positive, even if I have something bad, sad or irritating, I talk to myself,

"Was there something good for me to have negative mind for the past 20 years? Answer is No. What do you want to do and be? What can I do for them, now? Let's do it!"

No matter what happens, I want you be positive.

Always believe yourself, love yourself, treasure yourself the most.

You, be happy everyday.

This is what I want to tell you and my wish.

Of course, I have a lot of things to tell you, but I think after you know me and my life, you can understand my words more easily.

OK, well, let's begin to talk my life from when I was born. haha

to be continued...

The next story is here!
Parenting blog is here!

-It's my Life
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