Childcare Diary of New Dad

8. Reading explanation about childcare leave benefits -Full month-

The previous story is here!

Let's read the explanation about childcare leave benefits this time as well and look at the super long 2nd sentence! hahaha

In Childcare leave benefits, if you are an insured person and take childcare leave to raise a child under 1 year or 1 year and 2 months (Note1) (if the payment period is extended, 1 year and 6 months or 2 years), you can be confirmed for eligibility when you have more than 12 full months Awith more than 11 basic wage payment days OR Bwith more than 80 hours on which wages were paid (in case the childcare leave start date is after August 1, 2020 and you have less than 11 full months with more than 11 basic wage payment days) (for those who have received the basic allowance eligibility or the elderly eligibility decision in the past, it is limited to those after that) in the two years prior to the start of the leave.

*an insured person is a generally insured person and an insured elderly person.

Quoted from Hello Work Internet Service
Viewed March 26, 2022
Translated by Keisuke Genda

The structure of this sentence is,

if you are an insured person, you can be confirmed for eligibility when you have more than 12 full months Awith more than 11 basic wage payment days OR Bwith more than 80 hours on which wages were paid.

I think,

What dose it mean "you can be confirmed"?

Well, OK, last time we know Company employees = Insured persons, so company employees are OK if A or B is 12 months or more in the two years before the start of childcare leave.

Now, let's see

what kind of 12 months is need

in the two years before the start of childcare leave!

Let's begin with A.

A. full months with more than 11 basic wage payment days

Even though it's short, there are two words I don't know well. haha

Basic wage payment day and Full month. hahaha

Let's check in order!

First, Basic wage payment day is the number of days for which wages and rewards should be paid.

How to count the number of the basic wage payment days differs depending on a wage form, such as a full-monthly-salary system, a daily-wage system, an hourly-wage system.

I examined each wage form, in my case it was the full-monthly-salary system.

The full-monthly-salary system is a method of payment in which the monthly pay is fixed and is not reduced even if I am absent from work.

The number of the basic wage payment days under the full-monthly-salary system is the number of calendar days like "30 days" or "31 days" including holidays (Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, etc.), such as "January 16 to February 15".

Of course, special leave such as ceremonial occasions and paid leave are also included in the number of the basic wage payment days.

However, please note that the basic wage payment days do not include the period of leave when wages are not paid, such as during leave of absence from work.

I think that the wage form of many office workers is the full-monthly-salary-system with a basic wage payment days of about 30 days.


A. full months with more than 11 basic wage payment days

most of the office workers will meet the above basic wage payment days of 11 days or more.

By the way, the number of the basic wage payment days for part-time workers is the number of working days.

Well, next is a Full month.

At first glance, it's a simple word, but I don't understand the meaning of it at all. hahaha

I looked it up,

it means a whole month.

Certainly, a whole month is a full month. hahaha

How to count full months,

Assuming that the start date of childcare leave is April 11, it is separated every month from the day before, so March 11 to April 10 is the full month.

The point to note is that from April 1 to April 10, it is not the full month because it is only 10 days.

In my case,

I have been working SOOOOO DILIGENTLY (hahaha)

from March 1, 2018 to July 1, 2022 which is the scheduled start date of childcare leave.

That is why, in the two years before the start of the childcare leave,

I have 24 full months with with more than 11 basic wage payment days,

instead of 12 months. hahaha

Accordingly, I can get confirmation of eligibility for childcare leave benefits.

Well, let's see B.

B. full months with more than 80 hours on which wages were paid

Although it is written like this, I meet the condition with A, so...

this concludes reading explanations about childcare leave benefits. hahaha

If you do not meet the conditions of A and fall under B, or if you are worried about whether it falls, please visit Public employment security office in Japan near you! haha

Reference URL (Written in Japanese)
Money Forward Cloud payroll (Viewed March 3, 2022)

Maibota (Viewed March 3, 2022)

From the next time, I’ll investigate the specific amount of childcare leave benefits that I am soooo interested in!

to be continued...

The next story is here!
My life blog, "It's My Life" is here!

-Childcare Diary of New Dad
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