Well, last time, we know
Insured persons who can receive childcare leave benefits are
Generally insured persons & Elderly insured persons.
This time, we are looking at Generally insured persons & Insured elderly persons!
First, let's check Generally insured persons!
I searched on the Internet with "Generally insured persons, Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (in Japanese 一般被保険者 厚生労働省)".
The easiest to understand for me is the PDF issued by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, Chapter4, About Insured Persons.

I clicked it,

Viewed March 29, 2022
Translated by Keisuke Genda
Like this, there are 7 pages of PDFs about Insured persons.
To summarize what is written about Generally insured persons,
1. There are four types of Insured persons, one of which is Generally insured persons.
Generally insured persons are included in Insured persons.
In this case, it is OK to think that Insured persons = Generally insured persons.
2.Except for I and II below, , in principle, workers employed by a business owner of covered undertakings are to be Insured persons regardless of their intentions.
Ⅰ.Standard working hours per a week is less than 20 hours
Ⅱ.Those who are not expected to be continuously employed for 31 days or more in covered undertakings of the same business owner
By the way, covered undertakings are,
Covered undertakings
A business that employs even one worker and establishes an insurance relationship with Labor accident insurance or Employment insurance as long as the business is conducted.
Quoted from "Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, Osaka Labor Bureau"
Viewed March 26, 2022
Translated by Keisuke Genda
Business owners include "corporations", so those who work for a company are generally insured persons and insured persons who are entitled to childcare leave benefits.
However, if you fall under the above I and II, you will not be a Generally insured person, so you need to be careful if you are a part-time worker.
This was the reason why there are workplaces in Japan that do not allow part-time workers to work more than 20 hours a week. hahaha
The second is another insured person, an Insured elderly person.

Viewed March 29, 2022
Translated by Keisuke Genda
It says,
but I'm not over 65 years old, it's enough for me to read it. haha
After all, this time I checked only Insured persons.
Well, in short, if you are a company employee, you are an Insured person.
Then, the next reading class is about
Full month.
to be continued...