Childcare Diary of New Dad

6. Reading explanation about childcare leave benefits -Insured person-

The previous story is here!

Now, let's read the explanation about childcare leave benefits together!

It's a little long, so I'll post it one sentence at a time.

Childcare leave benefits is...

"Childcare leave benefits” is money paid during the childcare leave period.

Quoted from Hello Work Internet Service
Viewed March 26, 2022
Translated by Keisuke Genda

First is the sideline part ①.

Very roughly speaking, money paid during the childcare leave period is Childcare leave benefits.

I could barely understand the 1st sentence, but the difficulty of the 2nd sentence is hellish. hahaha

In Childcare leave benefits, if you are an insured person and take childcare leave to raise a child under 1 year or 1 year and 2 months (Note1) (if the payment period is extended, 1 year and 6 months or 2 years), you can be confirmed for eligibility when you have more than 12 full months Awith more than 11 basic wage payment days OR Bwith more than 80 hours on which wages were paid (in case the childcare leave start date is after August 1, 2020 and you have less than 11 full months with more than 11 basic wage payment days) (for those who have received the basic allowance eligibility or the elderly eligibility decision in the past, it is limited to those after that) in the two years prior to the start of the leave.

*an insured person is a generally insured person and an insured elderly person.

Quoted from Hello Work Internet Service
Viewed March 26, 2022
Translated by Keisuke Genda

The above is the 2nd sentence and JUST one sentence.

This is the length that you should be aware of when writing in writing or in an essay. hahaha

Well, there is no help for it, so I will check the contents. haha

Sideline part ②, In the first place, it is the insured person who receives the childcare leave benefit, but this word "insured person" is,

the first word I saw after living for about 35 years. hahaha

There is a supplementary explanation (*) of an insured person below, so I check it …

*an insured person is a generally insured person and an insured elderly person.


It became even more difficult. haha

Let's calm down here and keep this sentence simple!!

An insured person is a generally insured person and an insured elderly person.

In this sentence,

I change <is> to <=>, <and> to <>, it becomes

An insured person = A generally insured person & An insured elderly person

that is

Insured persons who can receive childcare leave benefits are Generally insured persons & Insured elderly persons!!

Well, it's easy to understand!! haha

Next time, let's look at Generally insured person & Insured elderly person!

to be continued...

The next story is here!
My life blog, "It's My Life" is here!

-Childcare Diary of New Dad
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