April 26, 2022, about two weeks before our due date.
As usual, I arrived at my office before 8:00 am.
Then, unusually, my wife called.
"Hmm? What's going on?" I asked.
She said, "My water may have broken, so I'm going to call the maternity hospital now."
Oh, really!? What do you mean "MY WATER BROKE"? Will our baby be born soon!? (Voice from my heart)
Containing myself from soaring, I ended the call with her, saying, "Call the maternity hospital and let me know what happened.
Later, I received a message from her that she was heading to the maternity hospital with preparations for hospitalization and that there was no need for me to go to the hospital yet because she was not in labor at this point and would not give birth anytime soon.
It is a very sudden turn of events, but the moment when the baby is born and I become a father is finally approaching!!

At 9:37 a.m., my wife arrived at the maternity hospital by maternity taxi and informed me that her cervix was 3 cm and that she was going to have an IV drip and blood tests.
I hope my wife and baby will be fine!
Our baby, come into the world in good health!!
I am no longer in any condition to work. hahaha
I told my wife the phone number of my office and asked her when she was due,
"Probably our baby won't be born today, so good luck with your work!," she replied.
Again, I am no longer in any condition to work when she say that. hahaha

At 11:13 a.m., my wife informed me, "I'll be ready to deliver when the cervix is fully opened (10 cm), so you can leave for the maternity hospital at this time! After the cervix is fully opened, it will take 30 minutes to an hour to deliver the baby at the earliest, so you will be ready for delivery!"
Some messages said, "I've moved to the labor room & I'm so lucky to have a bed by the window." haha
One of her messages said, "I miss the birth of my baby."
The first time I heard this phrase, "I miss the birth of my baby," from my wife was when she was in the beginning of eighth month of her pregnancy.
I wondered it and asked my wife,
Oh, what? Why? Aren't you happy because you get to see your baby when it's born?
Of course, I am happy to see her when she is born, but at the same time, I feel sad because I think we are going to be separated. You know, the baby has been in my tummy for a long time, so it's cute in its own way. But when I think that I won't have a baby in my tummy anymore, I get sad.
That's what she told me.
I had always thought that when our baby is born, she feel "happy to see the baby!", so when I heard her say that she was sad that the baby would not be in her tummy, I thought, "I see," and at the same time I thought, "This is an idea that would never occur to me."

to be continued…