Childcare Diary of New Dad

22. Raised by Parents, Surroundings and My Baby
The previous story is here!

2022, January 6.

In Tokyo, snow fell in the afternoon.

Two days later, on January 8.

Day of the 4th pregnancy checkup.

The hill road in front of the maternity hospital was not sunny and it was icy and slippery like the ice stage in Mario Kart. hahaha

*This photo is for illustrative purposes only. haha

As I was thinking, "I'll never make it up this slope,"


A delivery truck with chains went up this icy slope. hahaha

Oh, that's great.

The delivery truck is ready to go. haha

As for my wife and I…,

we crab walked side by side at the end of the road where the ice was partially melted. haha

Just as we were about to clear the ice stage, a nurse came out of the maternity hospital with a pot of about a liter of hot water.

"It's soooo frozen, this pot isn't enough at all!"

She poured hot water on it and gradually melted the ice on the slope.

We entered the hospital without accident and I sat quietly in the waiting room with the "hospital permit" hanging from my neck, just as I had done the last time.

Then, a doctor seemed to be a man, and my wife came toward me with him.

Apparently, today's examination room is different from the previous one.

I was relieved to hear from the doctor that the baby, although a little larger, seemed to be growing well.

The gender of the baby was also the same as before: "It will be a boy," he said.

The pregnancy checkup was completed without incident, and this time we paid the 2,000 yen.

In a metropolitan hospital, it was zero yen, but, again, in a private hospital, the cost is different.

In fact, at this checkup, the doctor casually said to my wife, "You're baby seems like a breech~."

My wife told me that "Many babies seem to be breech until the middle of pregnancy."

From the doctor's point of view, it would be the dozens or hundreds of births, so I guess it happens often, but for us, it was the first time we had a baby.

So, I wished he had been a little kinder and said something more thoughtful like, "Your baby is breech now, but he will most likely flip over in the second trimester of pregnancy."

On the other hand…,

I'm like this now, but I used to work as a teacher at a cram school in Japan, and I used to meet with students and their parents to discuss their future paths.

Looking back at myself at that time, I thought to myself, "Oh, surely, I should have been more polite and considerate to the students and their parents since it was their first time taking an entrance exam for university or high school.

Well, I have been raised by my parents, my surroundings, my students, and my baby…

No matter how old I get, I am still being raised. hahaha

Thanks to the nurses, the ice at the edge of the hill road in front of the maternity hospital had all melted.

*This photo is for illustrative purposes only. hahaha

I went through there with my wife and went down the hill road looking forward, not crab-walking. hahaha

to be continued...

The next story is here!
My life blog, "It's My Life" is here!

-Childcare Diary of New Dad
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