At the reception of the maternity hospital, I was told, "Family members will be called over the hospital announcement, so please wait in the waiting room until then."
As I waited so quietly while playing Dragon Quest,
"Genda-*san, please enter examination room number 3."
*"san" is a common honorific in Japan, such as "Mr." or "Ms.", which is added after a surname or given name, used regardless of gender.
I heard a voice calling me, so I went into the examination room with my wife…,
I was told exactly the same thing as the receptionist,
"Family members will be called over the hospital announcement, so please wait in the waiting room until then." hahaha
In the announcement earlier, I wasn't included in ones to enter the examination room. haha
I went back to the waiting room by myself, opened Dragon Quest again, and was thinking about which character to raise…,
the caffeine effect of Hojicha made me want to go to the restroom.
In the restroom, there is a sign saying, "The seats in the waiting room are reserved for pregnant women. If you are a family member or partner, please give up your seat to a pregnant woman when it is crowded."
“Of course, I’ll give up my seat!”, as I was washing my hands enthusiastically,
“Genda-san’s family, please enter examination room number 3.”
I heard an announcement calling for to me!
Certainly, I wasn't called in the previous announcement! haha
What timing is this!!
At this rate, there was a possibility that I would be nicknamed "Genda's husband who will come if you don't call him, and won't come if you call", so I hurriedly wiped my hands and entered examination room number 3. hahaha
When I entered the examination room, my wife was lying on the examination table with her abdomen out.
The doctor was sitting next to her.
Between my wife and the doctor was a display showing a pregnancy ultrasound scan.
When we exchanged greetings, the doctor said, "I'll take a look right away," and showed me the pregnancy ultrasound scan of my baby.

The doctor explained the position and size of the head, eyes, limbs, etc.
For me, this is the first pregnancy ultrasound scan video in my life.
Until now, my wife has shown me pictures of pregnancy ultrasound scans,
but when I saw the baby in the video of the pregnancy ultrasound scan, I was moved to realize that I was going to be a dad, once again.
to be continued...