It's my Life

Episode26. University Life: Winter Vacation - Christmas Run (3) -

The previous story is here!!

Jingling, jingling, jingling…

The sound of coins rings out from my pocket like Christmas bells.

Money in possession: 150 yen remaining(One 100 yen coin, One 50 yen coin)

Just running for 2 hours and 30 minutes is a personal best for me, but I still have more than 10 km to go to my house. hahaha

At any rate, if I cross the Yamato River, I can reach home in the remaining hour or so, according to my experience so far.

So I continued running, looking forward to drinking water again when I finished crossing the Yamato River.

Jingling, jingling, jingling…

Jingling, jingling, jingling…

One hour later.

I was on a running high after crossing the Yamato River while listening to my favorite music. hahaha

I passed a convenience store I found near the Yamato River without stopping, thinking, "I'm soooo hyper that I can still keep running," and kept running along the path to my home…

Clang, calang, clang♪

With a light metallic sound, coins could be heard rolling away.

I no longer heard the sound of Christmas bells, no, even the sound of coins, in my pocket.

"No way!?"

It was after 8:30 p.m., so it was pitch-dark and there was only the light from the street lamps, and I was listening to music with my earphones on, so I could only vaguely see the direction coins had rolled.

"Oh, my god. It would be terrible if the 100-yen coin had rolled away. Oh, what!? No, there is a possibility that both the 100 yen coin and two 50 yen coins rolled out of my pocket."

I hurriedly checked my pocket and found only one coin left.

"Please, please, have the 100 yen coin left!!!"

Checking by feel of the hand, the coin does not have the hole that is found on the 50-yen coin.

"Please!! Have the 100 yen coin left!!!!"

From "Yu-Gi-Oh! Monochrome Edition 12 (JUMP COMICS DIGITAL)"

I took it out of my pocket and the coin in my right hand was the 100 yen coin!

"Woooow!!!Thank God!!!!!"

Fortunately for me, it was the 50 yen coin that leaped out of my pocket.

Money in possession: 100 yen remaining(One 100 yen coin)

to be continued...

The next story is here!
Parenting blog is here!

-It's my Life
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