It's my Life

Episode10. Only 45days study to Enter university

I didn't study at all and was super stupid in high school, so when I said, "I decided to go to Kwansei Gakuin University," people around me were so surprised, "Huh !? You !?". haha

I answered the reason, "I want to join the baseball club and become a professional baseball player," I was also ridiculed with cold eyes. hahaha

I was really upset, but I thought, "Well, it can't be helped," so I had spared time to sleep and studied for about 45 days from December 15, 2004 to February 1, 2005, the day of the entrance examination.

I am a person who needs a long sleep.

However, at this time, I wanted to secure some study time, I thought, "If I don't sleep well on the floor, I can wake up?", so I tried to sleep on the floor.

Certainly, on the floor, I couldn't sleep well because my back hurts, I was able to wake up earlier than usual, but I couldn't sleep well, so soon a sleeper came and I fell asleep on the bed. hahaha

After all sleep time is important.

I think it's most efficient to sleep as much as I want and make full use of the time I am awake with a clear head.

Let's get back to studying for the exam.

Until I decided to take the Kwansei Gakuin exam, I was planning to take the center exam in three subjects, "English / Japanese / Biology" and take the secondary exam at a public university with "Practical test."

*The center test is a common primary test required to take the national and public universities in Japan.

However, Kwansei Gakuin required one of "Japanese History / World History / Geography / Mathematics" in addition to "English / Japanese", so I started studying "Geography" anew.

From December 15th, the 3rd year of high school. hahaha

The name of my plan for study is "Head Sliding Pass Plan".

Instead of passing with a "Excellent score", I studied with the aim of "Exceeding the minimum passing score".

I desperately refined my makeshift skill. hahaha

50% was enough for questions that I answered with confidence.

For the remaining 50%, it's enough for me to narrow down to 2 choices without erasing the correct choices.

Then, the total correct answer rate will stochastically exceed 75% of the minimum passing line…

Just like this!! haha

The exam result was unfortunately FAILED. hahaha

Well, on the contrary, it's only 45 days of studying for university entrance exams, so it's a natural result. hahah

The cause of the failure was lack of study time and knowledge.

I decided to study at home, because I thought it was a waste to spend the money and time needed to attend a prep school just to learn knowledge.

Instead, I had a year to spare, I went to a nearby gym to improve my physical strength so that I could play an active part in the baseball team at the university.

I also started a part-time job at a convenience store about two times a week to earn a gym fee and baseball equipment fee.

to be continued...

The next story is here!
Parenting blog is here!

-It's my Life
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