It's my Life

Episode.36 2010, Winter, Okinawa -Part.2-

The previous story is here!

It was a little early to leave the Himeyuri Monument and return to my friend's dormitory, so my friend guided me to a place called Sefa Utaki.

Sefa Utaki
It is the highest sacred place in the Ryukyu Islands. It is also the place where Kikoe Ookimi, the highest ranking priest in the Ryukyu Islands, was enthroned, and in the past, men were not allowed to enter. It was registered as a World Heritage site in 2000 and is a popular power spot.

We visited Sefa Utaki during the daytime on a weekday, so we were able to spend a relaxing time there.

Two large rocks support each other, creating a triangular space.
Many people may imagine this scenery when they hear the name "Sefa Utaki".

In front of Sangui are two jars that catch the water drops from the stalactites.

Sangui, a triangular space created by two large rocks, was especially impressive.

The air was cool and clear in the rocky natural setting, and it felt so good to breathe deeply.

As one would expect from the most prestigious sacred site in the Ryukyu Kingdom, Sefa Utaki was a very mystic place.

Well, after the second day of exploring Okinawa, we returned to the dormitory.

After a quick dinner, exactly the same as yesterday, the three of us, including my friend's dorm mate, enjoyed playing DRAGON QUEST IX multiplayer again. hahaha

From the play screen of the Dragon Quest Ⅸ, Nintendo DS


It's SO GREAT to play DRAGON QUEST while drinking in Okinawa, the place of my dreams. hahaha

Then, around 2 a.m. when the date changed, I fell asleep on the sofa in the common space, just as I had done yesterday.

Next morning.

I've been sleeping on a sofa for three days straight, counting from the time I stayed in the lobby at the airport, so my body was so exhausted. hahaha

The Okinawan soba I had the day before was so delicious that I asked my friend to take me to the same Okinawan soba restaurant again.

Eating Okinawan soba first thing in the morning soaked into my five vital organs, and I felt that my fatigue was improving from the inside out. hahaha

to be continued...

The next story is here!
Parenting blog is here!

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-It's my Life
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