It's my Life

Episode27. University Life: Winter Vacation - Christmas Run (4) -

The previous story is here!!

December 2006, Christmas Eve night.

Clutching the last remaining 100-yen coin in my hand, I continued to run along the night road alone.

The runner's high wore off and I was getting thirsty and wanted to buy a drink from a vending machine.

But guess what?

I could not find any vending machine at all where I could buy one for 100 yen.

Most 500 ml PET bottles cost 150 yen, and even water was 110 yen.

I have never been in so much trouble for not having a 10 yen coin. hahaha

Yet, as I continued to run at my wit's end…

What a surprise!

I found a vending machine that said, "50 yen and up"!!!

It was a stinky vending machine filled with drinks I had never seen before, but my throat was parched, so there was no other way out. haha

On the spur of the moment, I bought two 50 yen 500 ml bottles of what looked like water!

Money in possession: 0 yen






Gulp, gulp, gulp…


It was tooooooo disgusting!!!!!

I spit the drink I was getting right there. haha

This strange 50 yen drink tasted like an extremely diluted sports drink and is extremely bad. hahaha

I had spent all the money I had brought with me, and all I had was two 500ml plastic bottles of very bad drink.

Well, I was very desperate, yeah!!

At any rate, I was too thirsty, so I drank half of the opened bottle.

But it was so bad, I couldn't drink it all. haha

The remaining drink was poured over my head like a marathon runner. haha

You probably already know, but just in case, this day was December 24, 2006, Christmas Eve in the world.

Once again, I started running.

However, four hours after leaving my home, I was so exhausted that I finally could no longer run, and walking was all I could do.

My throat was parched and I couldn't stand it, so I gulped water in the bathroom of the supermarket. hahaha

From there, I walked for another hour and...

I managed to reach my home.

When I returned home, my father was also home from work and told me, "As you know, you are back too late.

Well, I left my home at 17:00, saying, "I'm going for a little run," and returned at 22:00.

I said "a little" but it took me 5 hours. hahaha

Surely, as my father said, it's too late. haha

The protein I drank after returning home from my run soaked into my body and tasted sooooo good.

I looked up the name of the cool music, I heard at that cheerleading club performance, kept encouraging me on my way home, I found it was called Winning Anthem.

Winning Anthem 05 / From YouTube

University Life: Winter Vacation - Christmas Run - End

to be continued...

The next story is here!
Parenting blog is here!

-It's my Life
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